Greeting tea lovers, According to the suggestion from the Food and Drug Administration(FDA), the acceptable daily intake of caffeine is 300 mg, for too much caffeine may do harm to people’s health.

The amount of caffeine in tea depends on tea plant varieties, plucking parts, seasons, climates, planting conditions, etc.

Different brewing conditions, such as the proportion of tea leaf and water, water temperature, brewing lasting, and brewing number of times can also affect the amount of caffeine in tea.

Due to scientific experiments, every tea’s caffeine will be less dissolved when the water temperature is lower.

Take the standard brewing step of green tea for instance (3g of tea leaf + 150ml of water).

4℃ Cold brewing for 4 hrs >>100 mg/L

80℃ Hot steeping for 5 mins >>180 mg/L

100℃ Hot steeping for 5 mins >>390 mg/L

There are plenty of reasons to affect the amount of caffeine in tea liquor, and the brewing temperature of water is the variation we can control the most. For those who like to drink tea and also are worried about caffeine daily intake, you can choose to use cooler water as your priority when brewing tea.

The cooler the water temperature when brewing tea, the less caffeine will be in tea liquor.

The more times you brew your tea, the less caffeine will be in tea liquor.

The shorter time you spend on brewing, the less caffeine will be in tea liquor.






